The glass shop management software to follow your insurance claim and :
- Deductible,
- Claim request,
- Bill to the insurance,
- Delivered to your customer,
- Graphic art on the invoice,
- Windshield kit repair,
- Nags catalog integration,
- Payment approval by customer,
- Manage deductible.

Implementing our glass repair management software, including windshield replacement, you will be able to streamline your insurance claims and get paid faster.
GEM-GLASS will save you time with our direction to pay form, and support both deductible management or a customer paid a deposit.
You will be able to produce a professional invoice with all the required fields for the insurance company including images of the damage, the completed repair images, and the signatures for approval for you to be paid. Also, you will be able to build an estimate using canned jobs or kits using your supplier's eCommerce catalog for accurate pricing and applying your approved part matrix.
Then you can follow your shop's performance and results using the electronic punch clock. Why not also consider adding a set of new wiper blades to protect the customer's investment? Your technicians can do it using a bar code reader, keeping your inventory counts accurate.
In conclusion, ask us for a demo of GEM-GLASS to test drive a better solution for your shop.
Glass shop management software: GEM-GLASS
Choosing which software to manage your glass repair shop is one of the most important decisions that you will make for your business. While a software product that will give you information to make important decisions is key; choosing software that is simple to use for all staff members should also be considered very carefully. Any software is only as valuable as the features of that software that are actually used on a day to day basis. Many software products are only used at a small fraction of their capability.
Most often this is due to a lack of training and coaching from the outset. Our glass repair management software is very easy to learn and one-on-one training makes deployment even more effective. We start by converting the data from your current software (we currently convert from more than 50 different brands).
You will work with a dedicated trainer who will teach the software basics as well as be your coach and key point of contact during the implementation process.
All of our Trainers have more than 30 years of experience in the automotive business and each has coached hundreds of shops to successful implementation. And it doesn’t end there.
Our Trainers are always available to coach and counsel owners as they grow their business (and profits).
In addition, we offer GEM-UNIVERSITY to all staff members. This is an online learning portal with plenty of great “how-to” videos.
We also have an online FAQ with detailed explanations of procedures using screen captures for ease of learning.
The Point of Sale is the heart of our glass shop management software where most functions are completed.
Take an Appointment for future service using the integrated calendar/scheduler, add jobs with notes for the technicians, add parts to the work order through integrations like NAGS catalog.
Access the customer information section with one click to modify customer information.
Track Returns to make sure that credits are issued from your parts suppliers in a timely manner.
Access the Vehicle Management with one click to add a vehicle or modify current information.
Use Carfax VIN decoder to make adding vehicle information fast and accurate.
Access your vehicle service history with ease.
Email estimates or invoices copies directly to customers.
Communicate with your customers via text messaging.
Print key tag labels with ease so you always know what keys belong to each vehicle.
Print window label as a reminder to customers when they can remove the sticker.
Make sure that you are legally protected by using the Electronic Signature Pad or the Verbal Authorization Stamp.
Use the integrated Electronic Punch Clock to track time on jobs, monitor technician performance, and gather information on productivity statistics. Technicians can add products like filters, bulbs, welding services, etc. using a bar code scanner. Use the Internal Chat feature to communicate between Service Advisors and the Technicians in the shop.
Digital Inspections are becoming the new normal is repair shops and GEM-GLASS has a comprehensive package of inspection forms available. Custom inspection forms can be designed and integrated. Technicians can complete digital inspections and take photos using a tablet which is then linked and stored with the work order and can be sent to customers via email. Using the Punch Clock will Increase the average billing time per work order by 10-15 minutes which generally represents $3000 to $5000 in additional labor sales per year/per technician.
The ability to manage Preventive Maintenance services is quick and easy in GEM-GLASS. Create reminders in advance of the next service interval to help keep your bays full and productive.
Managing your glass inventory is important whether it is items that are stocked or those that are ordered specifically for a vehicle being serviced. Easily track inventory movement and be certain that all parts are added to the work order. You can automatically create bar codes for any parts and services or use the bar code that is on the part. The integrated online ordering from your parts suppliers allows parts to be added to work orders with ease. Transfer the parts from your supplier website and configure the advanced Price Matrix to maintain a specified profit margin.