Increase your sales

- Sell more labor with the electronic punch clock $5-7K per technician,
Schedule maintenance appointments in advance with the customer & vehicle,
Print or email reminder letter,
Send newsletters and promotions by e-mail,
Increase bay occupation,
- Improve customers communication :
- Diversify your services with modules for
- rentals, glass repairs, used car, tires, fleet management, repairs, anti-rust and more...
Increase profitability by implementing a "parts & work order" strategy.
Save Money & Time
Save more time

- Efficient work scheduling,
- Performance reports on sales and technicians in one click,
- Quick link to parts search and downloads with major parts distributors such as
- ACDelco,
- Auto Value,
- Bestbuy,
- Easy to implement ,
- Easy to master,
- Easy to use,
- User friendly.
And YES GEM-CAR is multi-users and multi-locations!
To make your life easier, our team will import your data from your other software