Canadian Taxes: Which Province Charges Which Taxes & How Much?

Province/Territory Taxes Charged Notes
British colombia GST 5% & PST 7 % As of April 1, 2013.
Alberta GST 5%  
Saskatchewan GST 5% & PST 5%  
Manitoba GST 5% & PST 7%  
Ontario HST 13%  
Quebec GST 5% & QST 9.5%(Quebec Sales Tax) As of January 1, 2013, the QST rate will be 9.975%, but will no longer be charged on GST. This results in no change to the total tax.
New Brunswick HST 13%  
Nova Scotia HST 15%  
Newfoundland & Labrador HST 13%  
Prince Edward Island HST 14% As of April 1, 2013.
Northwest Territories GST 5%  
Nunavut GST 5%  
Yukon GST 5%  


The taxes are usually configured along with the initial configuration of GEM-CAR. If you need to change this information you can go to:

- "Configuration" / "Company management",


- Click on the button : "Taxes".